When it is bad it is very bad. Gathering fabric for a full skirt can be trying at times. On this particular work day I was just about finished when the thread broke. Oh No,no, no,no was all I could manage to say as I watched this most perfect little skirt fall apart. Back to the beginning, iron the fabric and stitch two rows and start to gather. Not a problem, wrong. My foot is pressing on the pedal, the needle starts to move and then I heard this awful clicking, grinding, crunching sort of sound. Okay, now what? The bobbin has a tangled mess of thread, not to worry just clean it up. So I begin to sew again and the sound is still there I immediately stop sewing. My heart is racing and this very sick feeling comes over me. My Janome 10001 is sick. The first instinct is to call Lilly, my faithful Janome Dealer, her voice did not sound comforting at all as she suggested I bring in my machine.
It took a few minutes to unplug my machine, pack it, get in the car and head for Big Timber. The drive west is always nice and a very good time to listen to great music. Neil Diamond, Tina Tuner, Barbara Strisand are favorites, cranking up the sound, singing along, getting in the zone and then you notice just how fast you are driving. Slow down and be careful you have a lot more sewing to do and you are definitely not finished with life.
Lily meets me at the door and helps me in. She takes my machine and puts it on her work bench. Why did I think I could just wait and bring it home? That is never the case. Here I am in a fabric store, should I just leave? Hell No are you crazy??? Just look around, what harm can there be in that? Oh my there is the greatest display of Dr. Suess Fabric... I bought enough for one dress.
Hopefully I will be posting some pictures of the dress that is in progress next week. That is if I have my machine back by then. I sure hope nothing serious is wrong.
Have a great day!
Oh NO is right! Hope you get your trusty companion back in tip top shape soon!