Oh what a cold morning it was. My instinct was to stay in bed and keep warm, then reality set in and I dared myself to move. For several days I've procrastinated getting my things together for the quilt class I'm taking today. There are no more tomorrows to put off. Well long story short I made it to may class with time to spare.
Nancy C was the class instructor. She is very good and very patient with us newbies. Yes, I consider myself a newbie due to the fact that I've yet to get any points to turn out right and that I seem to lack the patience to be a true quilter. Now, give me a pattern, for a little girl dress and I'm right as rain. I decided that I just need to get over my fear of perfect points, seams that line up like toy soldiers and just do it. Guess what???? I'm so excited! Can you tell? My squares came out about as perfect as you can get. Holy Cow, I've think I've got it!
Does it matter if you have the tools to use to make everything match up? In case you are wondering we worked on the Day and Night Quilt that Eleanor Burns designed. Nancy C. spent a week in California taking classes from her. She had the time of her life. As for me, well, I'm very glad that she did and came back excited to teach.
Today the sky was filled with dark, fluffy clouds the kind that bring rain or snow. I just wonder what is in store for tomorrow. No rain today but I can feel the temperature is falling.
Can't wait to see your quilt, Nancy!