Do I dare set foot out the front door? All that is visible is a very slick, shiny layer of ice covering the ground. No doubt the stairs are equally adorned in ice as well. If only it would warm up and melt. The only safe area is the path from the cars to the front door. This year winter has been very hard and I wonder what the cause is?
Usually the snow falls and accumulates in big, soft, glittering mounds. Walking in the snow is so much fun especially when you know not the depth of the snow. There are times when you are just on a smooth even path and then Wham! you loose a leg in knee deep snow. Steady now, get your balance and take another step. Whoa, that was a big step. Now what? Keep my balance or succomb to the snow? Watch it now, it is a struggle to pull your leg from the deep snow and take a step. Eventually there will be a nice area to walk in. The work is hard but ever so much fun.
Now that playtime is over it is time to see about breaking up some more of this ice. I don't like this part.
I haven't been too good about blogging, either. Now that I'm out of my funk, I've decided to start back up. Hopefully I will be a little better at it. :-)